MAGAZINE ARQ 64 | december 2006
Chile in & out
issue aims to present processes of exchange and their results from a
double perspective: the way that foreign visitors see Chilean architectural
practice and also international references that get the attention of
both Chilean architects and scholars.
We are already aware of links and affinities between Chile and abroad:
the proximity to climate and building technologies from Portugal, a
growing relationship with universities from United States and the Universidad
Católica de Valparaiso “Travesías” -regular
trips throughout South America. Along with these facts, some articles
and works featured point to other recent phenomena; new trends have
raised and maybe will become relevant influences for Chilean architecture.
From this perspective, the vision of foreign exchange students –Maestrello,
Mondragón, Valdivia, Benítez, Gómez–, the
sudden appearance of Pacific Asia as a source of commissions and clients
–as in Undurraga & Allard project for Korea–, the present
cooperation between Chilean and Argentinean practices –like the
New Judiciary Center in Santiago or the house within a store in Buenos
Aires– or the growing relationship between Chile and other mountainous
countries such as Austria are elements that could open new horizons
for a practice that must embrace an open, dynamic world.