MAGAZINE ARQ 54 | July 2003

Wine vineyards cellars

The exploitation of natural resources scars the landscape and the configuration of the land. These practices often accelerate degradation processes; but at other times they construct new realities, and out of their own artificiality turn back a negative trend. The cultivation of vineyards and the development of the wine industry in Chile has evolved at high speed in the last 15 years, and the changes have brought renewal to farming land, the construction of new spaces and infrastructure to house the industry, and the development of service systems, marketing and complementary services for the wine trade. This issue of ARQ reviews the way the wine business, with its agricultural installations, its wine cellars and marketing spaces, has drawn the profile of countryside and towns in Chile’s valleys at the beginning of this new century.

Contents | Pages

ISSN Nº 0716-0852
On-line Nº 0717-699
Dolar prices change according to location

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