Nemesio Antúnez
Obra pictórica

Montserrat Palmer, editor
25 x 29 cm
220 pp, color, paperback
Santiago de Chile, 1997
Text: spanish

A book on the paintings and drawings of Nemesio Antunez. It reproduces oil paintings, engravings and watercolors and some of his work as an illustrator, and includes critical reviews from 1952 to the present, with essays by Oscar Pinochet de la Barra, Enrique Lihn, Jorge Sanhueza, Jacqueline Barnitz, Jorge Edwards, Marta Traba, Carolina Abell, Milan Ivelic, Alicia Vega and Claudio di Girólamo. There is a chapter with photos from two periods of the artist’s life, by photographers Sergio Larraín E. and Luis Poirot. The oil paintings and watercolors in the book were chosen by the painter Ricardo Yrarrázaval, and the engravings by the artist Eduardo Vilches. The entire body of Antunez’s engravings is included in a complete catalog by Rafael Munita, a member of the Taller 99 collective.
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